7 Biggest Digital Trends of 2021 You Must Leverage To Build Your Brand (Personal or Company)

Agam Agrawal
12 min readJan 23, 2021
Trending GIF
Image Source: Giphy

To get branded means to gain your customer’s trust & build a relationship with them.

And to connect with your audience on a deeper level, you must use ongoing trends in one way or another.

Trends are all about timing.

You do it too soon, and no one notices you.

You do it too late, and no one wants to notice you.

You do it at the right time, and the attention can surprise you.

Your brand distinguishes you from your competitors.

Branding GIF
Image Source: Giphy

And give you a competitive advantage in the market. Hop onto the 7 trends mentioned below and use them to build your brand in 2021.

1. Live Video

A live video stream gives your audience the chance to engage with you without any barrier. Daily Esports collected data from Twitch, Facebook, YouTube & Mixer. And reported —

there’s been a 99% growth in hours of live video watched from April 2019 to April 2020.

Add to this data, Live stream on social platforms after April 2020. And LinkedIn’s beta Live video feature whose users are increasing with each day.

For Personal brand -

As a personal brand, when you show up in front of your audience LIVE, you give yourself the best chance to establish trust and credibility. Besides, Live interaction = real-life interaction.

It means your audience and you can connect and relate with each other easily.

Host live video sessions on the social platform you are active.

It could be in the form of:

  • An interview session.
LinkedIn Live Interview Snapshot by Agam
A snapshot of LinkedIn LIVE Interview I did in Dec 2020
  • An interactive Q&A session with your audience.
  • You can explain or discuss a topic to bring value to your audience.

And you can end such sessions with a CTA — where you can ask them to download a free e-book through a link — or announce your newsletter and ask them to subscribe if they want regular valuable content.

For Company brand -

You can host a live session to show any activity or event in your company.

Based on your niche, an expert in your company can talk on a specific topic.

Or, you can invite an expert/influencer to talk about or discuss a topic. Such collaboration may even extend and benefit in other forms as well.

2. User-generated content

We all are familiar with user-generated content. If not, here’s a small definition —

Any content which users create and not brands is user-generated content.

When users talk about a brand in their content, such content becomes useful for those brands.

For Personal Brand -

A compliment received, or a review/testimonials received for your content or service/product, or both can be used. It could be anything, from a message screenshot to a video review.

When someone else mentions you on a platform in the form of a recommendation, it’s also user-generated. And you can use it as story content on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Google.

For Company brand -

As a company brand, you can use reviews on Stories.

When a user talks about the usefulness of your product and recommends it on social media. You can use such posts and repost them on your handle.

You can even organize creative contests. And ask people to create content with your product and post it on their social accounts.

Along with it — keep a close eye on your brand mentions on social platforms. Make sure you reply to ‘Each’ comment. Also, enter a conversation — to get in a conversation. And not for self-promotion.

3. Audio content

The consumption of audio content is on a “Steep” rise. Whether it’s podcasts, audiobooks, or music. Besides, as per Google, 27% of the online global population uses voice search through mobile.

Stat by Google showing Voice Search users
Voice Search Stat by Google

For Personal brand -

You can convert your e-books into audio form too. Duh! (Oh yes, why didn’t I think of this?)

Well, it’s okay if you didn’t. Now you know.

Also, look to feature as a guest in various podcasts which are in your niche. There are many resources and professionals who give valuable free and paid information and guidance. They help you get featured in a number of podcasts in your niche and ultimately land more clients.

You can also start your own podcast. Invite guests who are influencers in your niche and even people from your target audience.

Global stat on Podcast
Image Source: Podcastinsights

For Company brand -

Along with your written blogs — give an option to listen to them as well.

Explore the area of company podcast. Right now, on the name of podcasts, people think — oh, it’s for a personal brand. But hey, there’s no such rule. People will listen to you if you give them value.

Besides, in the sea of individual podcasts — a company podcast will stand out. And this in itself becomes one of the biggest highlights of your podcast. Let your audience know you are happy to go the extra mile and bring them value.

4. Branded Activism

Social and political issues are increasing. People, especially today’s generation, expect brands to stand for some value, to show social responsibility, and speak out.

For Personal Brand -

Show your true self — show your vulnerability and speak the real truth — your real feelings about the topic.

And most importantly, suggest some “Practical” ways to improve the situation or solve the problem.

In addition, also talk about what actions you took with regards to the issue (depends on the topic too)

For Company Brand -

You must have come across many brands who tailored their marketing campaigns around a social issue.

But to actually use this — make sure you have certain actions to show as well. You also need to mention and indicate what steps you have taken or you will take to contribute towards the solution.

Because you do not want to get in a situation where people can see through your ‘Show-off’ and B.S.

Image Source: Giphy

People are smart and can clearly make out when you use an issue to gain attention or increase sales.

5. Branded content

Content that you produce to educate, spread awareness, or reflect your values comes under Branded Content.

So, in general, it covers all your blogs, e-books, audios, videos, and everything. But the trending part here is — branded content that reflects your values. Or which shows the experience a user will get after they have chosen your product.

For Personal brand -

Branded content need not necessarily require big budgets and resources. As a personal brand — you can create branded content yourself in a short consumable form.

You can create your podcast, as suggested previously. Alternatively, you can create a short video wherein you give out some tips or solutions in the form of storytelling.

In addition, your E-books or audiobooks would also come under branded content. You can start your YouTube channel — where you can create a video at regular intervals.

For Company Brand -

Now, if you are a small or medium company, then something like ‘Lego’ movie might not fit in your accounts.

But no worries. A company podcast — will definitely kill two birds with one arrow. And not to forget a regular YouTube channel.

But hey, let the channel be creative and informative. Most companies, big or small, do maintain YouTube channels and fill them with boring or completely ‘not’ valuable content.

You don’t want to do that!

If you are well established in a particular region, then you can also explore the idea to create regional branded content — for example, a web series in a regional language.

It can also work if you want to establish yourself in a specific part or among specific people in a region.

6. Short video content

Short — interactive — entertaining/fun, and valuable. Mix these 4 ingredients in your short video, and it’s a sure shot hit, no matter the platform.

This type of content gives people the freedom not to spend or commit too much time and also gain insights or value from it. And when you can give value with entertainment — well, there’s no spot more sweeter!.

Read More stats on Biteable

A couple of motivating stats on video:

  • As per Insivia, viewers retain 95% of the message when they watch on video than 10% when they read it in text.
  • As per Wordstream, 92% of viewers who watch video on mobile will share it with others.

These stats clearly indicate in one direction.

A crucial video tip: start your video with your most valuable message.

For Personal Brand -

You can showcase the funny side of yours and also share something valuable with your audience or community.

You can mix the video — with some text, screen sharing, and more along with yourself. In this way, you need not worry about shooting the whole video. But the structure of the script and deliverability matters here.

For Company Brand -

As a company, you might have created video ads.

Here you can again look beyond self-promotion. Talk about what your customer will experience after your product has entered their life. Or some other value addition that you can bring to your audience related to your product or service.

The best of such videos can be used as ads, while others can be used as short video content circulated on various platforms.

People love a short, fun/entertaining video.

Image Source: Giphy

Or maybe even shorter, like in the case of Instagram Reels or Tik-Tok videos.

Many companies create short videos which are raw and show a certain aspect of their work culture.

You can also share important information or an update. A short video of how you celebrated someone’s birthday or work anniversary or any occasion also makes a killer short video content.

7. Email

Surprise, Surprise!

You may not have expected this on the list.

But Emails are growing.

As per Statista — Email users are expected to reach 4.48 billion in 2024, from 3.9 billion in 2019. And it’s also a personal space for people — more personal than social media.

When you can talk to someone over an email — strike a conversation, build a relationship. They are far more engaged with you and are more ready to transact with you. As compared to when they engage with you on social media.

For Personal Brand -

For a personal brand, the email list you create the subscriber’s list you grow is an absolute gold mine for you. It’s not just an email list but a list of people who have interacted with you or your content. Found it valuable and have agreed to listen from you each week or month or whatever your newsletter interval be.

It’s a place where no algorithm can play boss. And you don’t have to spend a dime to make the sale.

Grow the list, but most importantly, nurture them.

Nurturing doesn’t mean just giving valuable content with each email. But also to get in a conversation with them and build a relationship.

Look to know them from their name, personality and if possible from the face too. I know it may sound overwhelming. But you don’t have to do it in one day, one week, or one month or even six months. Just make sure to adapt these aspects in your approach.

For example — I subscribed to the Stewart Hillhouse newsletter, and the very first email I got said: “This Email is Automated, But I am not.” It straight away told me I would interact with a real person and not predefined email templates.

Screenshot of first email from Top of Mind Weekly
The email I received after singing up for Top of Mind Weekly Newsletter

The email then later asked me to reply to the same email and state my objective of signing up for the newsletter. He purposely also mentioned that every email I now reply to — he will see them personally.

So basically, right in the first email, I interacted with Stewart.

The word ‘personal’ is inked in the very name of Personal brand. It does not just imply a person being a brand; it also implies personal relationships.

Ultimately we interact with people. And a person would like to be treated as a person, not as another email in the list.

Don’t you?

For Company Brand -

Now when it comes to email. Most companies think it’s the most comfortable channel to preach about themselves and their product. They behave like a ‘Bull’ who just got released from its chains and left to run out in the open. It’s wild, it hurts people (their privacy), and often gives the least value.

Very few companies have managed to use email in the right way. They have either found a sweet spot between self-promotion and value, creatively.

Or they churn out meaningful content, send them through their newsletters. And then guide those who read the content towards how their product/service can do even more good to them.

So now, how can, as a company, you can better your email game?

Well, follow the same motto as mentioned above — build relationships.

Well, definitely practically, it may not be possible to build relationships as same as in personal branding.

But as a company, even whatever sense of ‘personal’ and personality you can bring in your branding, it would only serve you for better.

How? — GIF
Image Source: Giphy

Here’s how:

  • Experiment with conversational email.
  • Give an option where people can reply ( and tell them, actual people will see it). And they are sure to get a decent reply as well — kinda similar to your customer redressal of grievance. But when you do it in your marketing, it adds another flavor.

It’s like you combined customer complaints and marketing, where you are interested to give an overall experience.

Alternatively, you can curate informational and long content. Like blogs or thought leadership articles. And send those. Plus, ask them for their feedback or thoughts. Most companies rest their case after sending.

Instead, when you include an extra line like “Give this a read and let us know what are your thoughts on XYZ?” It tells the person, a company is actually interested to know their opinions or thoughts.

It adds to the motivation to read the blog. And as they reply, you get a chance to have a conversation with them.

It could lead to another sale, an insight, or better relationship, or a customer turned fan.

If nothing, then at least an inspiration for the next content, which you can share on any other platform — or maybe in the next newsletter.


Since you have read thus far. I want to tell you about another trend in case you haven’t noticed till now.

It’s GIF!

Image Source: Giphy

These couple of seconds clips express emotions in a way words can’t. And that’s why their popularity is increasing every day.

Besides, there’s something called GEO (GIF Engine optimization). It’s similar to SEO, but only way easier.


So make sure to keep a diligent note of all these trends in 2021. And look to incorporate them into your marketing activities.

If you are in the initial phase, list them based on which one seems easiest to do or start. Go ahead with it, and as you gain a grip on one, then you can find energy and time to start the second. Then, as you get a hold on two. You can then find resources, time, and energy to incorporate another one.

But keep your goal to incorporate as many of them as you can — and necessarily not all.

I say this because each business and personal brand is unique and different in its own ways. And not all things suit everyone.

A certain sense of self-awareness is crucial when you make any decision.


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Agam Agrawal

Copywriter by profession. Here to share poetry, stories, and ideas.